Saturday, October 11, 2008

so bassically i havent written in the longest times since i got my computer taken away thanks to my cuzzo, but anywhoo, has anyone notcied that the weather has been getting colder, i sure have and its pissing me off cuz i think ama get sick again which i really dont want cuz being sick is gheyyyyy. but yeah, school has been bore==ing as fuck and there is nothing to do, ive made like 1234567890 schedule changes and im finally done with that bs. mikka is mad at me sadly and i reallllyyy like my schedule, more than before actually. i might gret a house in these 2 weeks, and finally my own dayum rom again, and redecortating. the house is uhhmazing but idkk, we have tot see with my parents. ill prolly take some time off from writing due to some problems im having, but kit<3


Wednesday, October 1, 2008

like what the fuck?1

has anyone ever felt as sticky and hot since the fucken beggining of summa. but oh my lordyy lord jesus, has this effin weather have been bipolar, first, its hot, then is cold. neither my 2 fans or my air conditioner are cooling me off. the only thing that feel good around the effin house is cold water and ice :), but my god, this waeather better change, and i bet tommorow its gonna be hot again,(according to the weather people) but who cares cuz know =one knoes how its gonna be like so i dont even mind it, sheeeittt

-Pedro :)

Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Good Morning World And All Who Inhabit it :)

Happyy new year(or however you say it in Yitish). basically i am lying here on my deathbed, watching Paula Deen on my television, and boy is she making me hungwyyy. man ik am in the mood for macaroni and cheese or better yet, a can of nutella with strawberries and bananas. YUMMMMM ! that sounds soooo yummo, im making myself hungwy. well im off to my adventure in the kitchen , and see whats cookin :) ttyll fellow bloggers <3


Monday, September 29, 2008

the dreadful nightmare of being sick :'(

being sick is a bitch, you blow and have a stuffy nose, and man what a bitch that it. like what the hell is wrong with the world, first the world is bipolar, and then i get sick. i swear America gotta do some changes in this world ! ! i feel like im gonna die, like there is no worse feeling than that. ahhh if anyone could make me feel beettter, i would gladlyyy accept it, but i dont think i can get better by tommorow. and plus, my inspiring dream of getting a blackberry is no where near thanks to my parents >:( tell my why parents are so mean, i think they should be :), and <33.



Ohh Emm Gee! Fuck my life, i am so tired and i feel like sleeping beauty. My eyes are tired as hell, and i have SO much homework to do, like what the hell is up with teachers, get a life or something. Seriously ! but thank the LORD FOR RASHASHANA(or however you spell that holiday thingy). No wonder i love santa monica high, we get Jewish holidays off:) Uhhh i am really really tiredd, and i really am in the mood for monster. But anywhoo, im taking a nap 
be back laturr my fellow bloggers 


Sunday, September 28, 2008

mii intro

Ma name be Pedro, and i blow my candles on september 10 :). I attend Santa Monica High School. CLASS OF '11 babyy. GO VIKINGSS ! as you can tell, this is mii first blogg, cuz i dont even know how to work it , but believe me, ill get betturr. gotter do some hw :'(

 -Pedro [: